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NYSVMS Veterinary Crosstalk: Public Health and Regulatory Medicine Practice

Thursday, November 17, 2022
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (EST)

Zoom Webinar (link will be live at 7pm EST):

Event Details

Veterinary Crosstalk: Public Health and Regulatory Medicine

This is the third in a series of programs to build relationships between NYS veterinarians working in different regions and types of practice. For this session, we’ll be focusing on regulatory medicine and public health practice. The session will start with a moderated panel conversation with veterinarians working at NYS Ag and Markets, NYS DOH, and NYC DOH regarding their work. After that, we’ll split into breakout groups where participants have the opportunity to learn more about their colleagues’ work and discuss issues most interesting to their group.

For More Information:

New York State Veterinary Medical Society (518)869-8766