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NYSVMS Webinar: New Technology for Efficient Note Taking

Which is the best approach that will help you to save time in your day?

Tuesday, March 21, 2023
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

At this year's VMX conference in Orlando there were a range of companies offering technology that promises to reduce the time you spend taking notes.

They all work on the idea that you dictate your notes as you complete the examination, with little additional time required for note-taking.

But which one is right for you?

We have invited several of those companies to join us on a panel, where you can learn about options that include:

  • Artificial intelligence correction for your dictated notes (DragonVet)
  • Licensed Technicians correcting your dictated notes, and checking them with you (Talkatoo)
  • Licensed Technicians or Vet Students taking dictation from you (ScribeAmerica)
  • A scribe in the Phillipines taking dictation from you (SaeberVet).

We will start with a brief overview on note-taking best-practice and an update on NYSVMS note-taking recommendations. from our President Dr. Paul Amerling.

Then we will hear from Talkatoo, Dragon Veterinary, Saeber and Scribe America on how they can make your life easier.

It should be a lively session as we explore the pros and cons of each approach. We hope this will start you off down the path of finding a solution that helps you save time in your day.

For More Information:

New York State Veterinary Medical Society (518)869-8766


Dr. Paul Amerling - NYSVMS President

Shawn Wilkie - CEO Talkatoo

PJ Meredith - COO Saebervet

David Krish - VP Sales and Business Development - Dragon Veterinary

Joshua Noble - VP of Business Development - ScribeAmerica