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Integrative Medicine Webinar: Abnormal Compensatory Posture in Dogs & Horse

Why you should care!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

Abnormal Compensatory Posture in Dogs & Horses - Why you should care!

Presented by: Karen Gellman, DVM

Standing posture, like locomotion, is an output of the complex neuromuculoskeletal system, and can be an important window into an animal’s functional integration.  Yet, outside a handful of specific pathologic postures, most vets don’t habitually note how an animal stands or sits.  Neutral posture is easily definable by looking at normal quadrupeds in the wild.  Deviation from normal posture in domestic animals can be indicative of neural distortion in key proprioceptive signaling that informs postural output.  This is often due to domestic management practices, and predisposes animals to many common orthopedic problems.  This will be a brief overview of how to recognize abnormal compensatory posture (ACP) and how to identify and ameliorate the causes.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize normal neutral posture (NNP) in dogs and horses
  2. Recognize abnormal compensatory posture (ACP)
  3. Learn the common causes of ACP
  4. Understand the connection between ACP and the most prevalent lameness issues in dogs and horses

For More Information:

New York State Veterinary Medical Society (518)869-8766

Dr. Karen Gellman is a graduate of Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine, and has a doctorate from Cornell in animal locomotion biomechanics. She has advanced training and certification in veterinary acupuncture and veterinary chiropractic, and has practiced these and other modalities since 1995.  She is the educational director and teaches in the Postural Rehabilitation training course for veterinarians, and taught biomedical research programs at Cornell Summer College for twenty years.  She is a featured speaker on holistic veterinary modalities, posture, and locomotion biomechanics at veterinary meetings in North America and Europe.  She is Research Director of Maximum Horsepower Research, and principle investigator of a study on equine posture funded by the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation.