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CNYACE Webinar: Topics in Behavior

Monday, April 15, 2024
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM (EDT)

Event Details

Topics in Behavior:
Pitfalls in Canine Socialization
Prescribing for Behavior: How Do You Decide?
Tips for Stress-Associated Conditions in Cats

Presented by: Christopher Pachel DVM, DACVB, CABC

Pitfalls in Socialization
The consequences of insufficient socialization may include behavior patterns such as increased emotionality and a predisposition toward fear and anxiety-based emotional states.  We also know that socialization is about more than "exposure," and those social exposures need to be provided in just the right quantity and quality and at the right time for maximum benefit.  What happens when we miss the mark?  Is it possible to create problems while trying to provide socialization experiences?  This presentation will focus specifically on two such potential problems, traumatic experiences, and conditioned arousal, and will outline how these complications may occur and how to avoid them.  

Prescribing for behavior: how do you decide?
This presentation will use clinical cases to walk participants through the process of deciding whether medication use is appropriate for behavior cases, and how to make educated decisions between options. In addition to use of single pharmaceuticals such as fluoxetine and alprazolam, other treatments such as nutritional therapy, supplement use, herbal therapies, and combination therapies will be discussed as time allows.

Top tips for management of stress-associated conditions in cats
Once you’ve identified signs of stress in your feline patient, and your client is on board to implement a plan for reducing that stress, then what? How do you evaluate which therapeutic interventions are likely to impact the behavior and overall comfort level of your patient? This presentation will provide a comparative look at environmental modifications, pharmacological strategies, nutritional and supplement-based approaches, and behavior modification strategies.

Learning Objectives:

Pitfalls in Socialization
1.    Understand the fundamentals of socialization goals
2.    Learn recommendations for providing sufficient socialization opportunities
3.    Recognize the impact of trauma on learning and development
4.    Increase awareness of inadvertent reinforcement of unwanted high-arousal behaviors
5.    Improve overall socialization recommendations for clients

Prescribing for Behavior
1.    Understand the various categories of medication available for behavioral treatment
2.    Develop a structured decision-making process for behavioral prescribing 
3.    Decide between medications of a specific class based on therapeutic benefits and side effects
4.    Learn how to effectively trial situational medications
5.    Recognize options for transitioning between maintenance medications

Managing Stress-associated Conditions in Cats
1.    Recognize signs of stress in your feline patient
2.    Identify multi-modal options for environmental modifications
3.    Compare pharmacological approaches to feline stress reduction
4.    List nutritional and supplement-based options for stress reduction
5.    Evaluate options for the implementation of behavioral modification strategies

For More Information:

New York State Veterinary Medical Society (518)869-8766

Christopher Pachel, DVM, DACVB, CABC (IAABC) is the owner and lead clinician at the Animal Behavior Clinic in Portland, OR. He received his veterinary degree from the University of MN in 2002 and became board-certified by the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists in 2010.  He has operated house-call, office-based, and telemedicine-focused behavior practices. Dr. Pachel lectures worldwide, teaches courses annually at multiple veterinary schools, and has authored articles and book chapters on topics such as Intercat aggression, Behavioral Euthanasia, and Pet selection for animal-assisted therapy.  He is a sought-after expert witness for legal animal behavior cases and serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for dvm360. Dr. Pachel is a Vice President of Veterinary Behavior for the Instinct Dog Behavior and Training franchise and co-owner of Instinct Portland. Dr. Pachel is also a specialist consultant for Dutch Pet (a veterinary telemedicine platform), a veterinary behavior expert for The Vets (a nationwide housecall-based veterinary care provider), and a veterinary behavior expert for AnyQuestion (an app-based information service launched in 2022).