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2025 Integrative Medicine Seminar - Topics in Gastro-intestinal Disease

2025 Integrative Medicine Seminar - Topics in Gastro-intestinal Disease

Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 9:00 AM (EST) to Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 4:00 PM (EST)

Zoom Webinar: Your link to join will come direct from Zoom. Please verify that you receive the email shortly after you register. It will be sent again one day and one hour before the webinar.

Registration Options

Credits Price
NYSVMS Members & their Technicians
12.00 (Live CEU) $235.00
12.00 (Live CEU) $290.00


January 25
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM GI Diets Presented by: Donna Raditic, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition), CVA 
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Break
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM Overview of Chinese Medicine in GI Disorders Presented by: Signe Beebe, DVM, CTCVMP 
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Break
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM GI Western Materia Medica Presented by: Barbara Fougere, BSc BVMS (Hons) MODT BHSc (CMed) MHSc (Herb Med) Grad Dip Vet Acup Grad Dip VCHM Grad Dip VWHM CVA (IVAS) CVBM CVCP CMAVA 
January 26
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM GI Pain, Equine Colic and Equine Rectal Water Presented by: Joyce Harman, DVM MRCVS
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Break
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Pancreatitis Presented by: Steve Marsden, DVM, ND, MSOM, GDVA, GDVCHM, Dipl.AC, Dipl.CH, AHGDr 

For More Information:

New York State Veterinary Medical Society (518)869-8766

Donna Raditic, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition), CVA

Dr. Raditic is a board-certified veterinary nutritionist. She was a professor for both the nutrition and the integrative medicine services at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine and is currently the owner/founder of Nutrition and Integrative Medicine Consultants, which offers independent consulting and education. With a professional career that includes the roles of general practitioner, practice owner, academician, and independent veterinary nutritionist/consultant, she offers personal and unique perspectives on the role of nutrition, supplements, and integrative care for veterinary patients.

Signe Beebe, DVM, CTCVMP

Dr. Signe Beebe received her DVM from Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine. After graduation, she owned and operated a veterinary emergency medicine and critical care practice until 1997 in central Washington state. She began her study of Chinese medicine and Alternative and Complementary Veterinary Medicine (CAVM) in 1994, and relocated to California in 1997, where she practiced integrative veterinary medicine for 25 years. Dr Beebe combines conventional veterinary medical care with Traditional Chinese Medicine and other complementary and alternative therapies. Dr. Beebe is certified in acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese food therapy, and Tui-Na (Chinese medical massage) by the Chi University & China National Society of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. She completed the certificate program in Canine Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy from the University of Tennessee and is a certified Usui Reiki Master.

 Dr. Beebe is the first author of Chinese Herbal Formulas for Veterinarians, the first comprehensive textbook of classical Chinese herbal formula for veterinarians and the Clinical Handbook of Chinese Veterinary Herbal Medicine for Golden Flower Chinese Herbs. She has authored a chapter of endocrinology for the textbook Practical Guide to Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and recently published chapters on herbal/botanical medicine, prolotherapy and ozone for the new text book Integrative Veterinary Medicine recently published.

 Dr. Beebe is a recognized world expert in Chinese veterinary medicine and she regularly lectures at scientific meetings in the US and internationally.

Barbara Fougere, BSc BVMS (Hons) MODT BHSc (CMed) MHSc (Herb Med) Grad Dip Vet Acup Grad Dip VCHM Grad Dip VWHM CVA (IVAS) CVBM CVCP CMAVA

Dr. Barbara Fougere graduated from Murdoch in 1986. She has post graduate qualifications in human and veterinary Integrative medicine.  She is a Past President of the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society and current board member of the American College of Veterinary Botanical Medicine and the Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association. She has been a veterinary acupuncturist and herbalist for over 30 years , has authored textbooks on herbal medicine and lectured extensively. Her interests are varied  and in her spare time enjoys her permaculture garden and menagerie of animals, pilates , silversmithing and reading antiquarian veterinary texts.   

Joyce Harman, DVM MRCVS

Dr Joyce Harman graduated in 1984 from Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, then completed her membership exam into the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 1985. In 1990 she became certified in veterinary acupuncture, and in 1994 certified in veterinary chiropractic. She has completed advanced training in homeopathy, and herbal medicine and is currently working a masters degree in Chinese medicine. She is the author of Pain Free Back and Saddle fit book and Homeopathic First Aid for Horses.

She has published over 60 articles in professional journals, textbooks and lay magazines. She has served on many board of directors, is past president of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, current president of the Veterinary Botanical Medicine Association. She was the chairman of the Alternative Medicine (Therapeutic Options) committee for the American Association of Equine Practitioners when that organization created their first set of guidelines. She was a member of the task force on alternative medicine for the American Veterinary Medical Association. In her spare time she rides a Connemara cross and photographs nature.

Steve Marsden, DVM, ND, MSOM, GDVA, GDVCHM, Dipl.AC, Dipl.CH, AHGDr

Dr. Steve Marsden lectures for IVAS, the AHVMA, the AVMA, and numerous other organizations. He is co-founder of the College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies (CIVT) and is a director emeritus of the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland OR. He is a contributing author to numerous textbooks and is author of Manual of Natural Veterinary Medicine (Mosby, with Dr. Susan Wynn) and Essential Guide to Chinese Herbal Formulas (published by CIVT). Dr. Marsden is extensively trained in alternative medicine, including Chinese herbology, acupuncture and naturopathic medicine. In 2010, Dr. Marsden was named Teacher of the Year by the AHVMA; and in 2009, the Small Animal Veterinarian of the year by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association.